As you will see in the below manifesto, the song “Holidae Inn” by Chingy is absolutely riddled with symbolism and links to COVID-19, The Illuminati, Satan and Tom Brady. For the sake of keeping this relatively short, I will limit my comments to select lines the first verse of the 2003 Billboard Top 10 All-Time song (as voted on by me).
What you thought Chingy meant: Holidae Inn - Party at the local British owned American hotel chain Holiday Inn founded in 1952 by Kemmons Wilson
What Chingy actually meant: everyone will go on a government-mandated extended HOLIDAY, IN their own homes.
While originally founded in Memphis, Tennessee, Holiday Inn is now headquartered in Dedham, Buckinghamshire (England). Here is why this fact is important: England under rule of Queen Elizabeth II who, according to multiple sources on Facebook from my hometown, is a Satanist and also part of the Illuminati (!!!!!). It is also worth mentioning that Dedham, Buckinghamshire was listed in the “Doomsday Book” written in 1086 (!!!!!!!!!). Sounds pretty ominous to me however in the interest of full disclosure, I did not click the Wikipedia link for Doomsday Book in the article while I was doing the research for this project.
Holidae Inn = 10 characters (including spaces) - why else would he change the spelling?
Nostradamus = 10 letters
What Chingy said: “Get a 12 pack of Corona plus an ounce of ‘dro, ya know?”
What Chingy meant: The number 12 refers to Tom Brady and the fact that he will be leaving the Patriots. “‘Dro” refers to marijuana grown by way of hydroponics using water instead of soil. Tom Brady went to Tampa Bay, which is conveniently located next to water!
Chingy’s outwardly use of the word “Corona” (which is street slang for COVID-19) is interesting in a sense that he very obviously knows exactly what is about to happen in 13 years after the release of his song. How I did not pick up on this in the 7th grade is baffling.
What Chingy said: “Pull up, stop park, rims still spinnin”
What Chingy meant:
Stop park: Stop going to parks and other public spaces, they will be closed and off limits - this is a clear warning for us to stay home and #FlattenTheCurve.
Rims still spinnin: Chingy isn’t stupid, car rims cannot continue to spin after you stop, that is an absolute impossibility. He meant REMs! (Rapid Eye Movement ) We will be at home with nothing to do so your REM cycles will continue to spin past your normal wake up time. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
What Chingy said: “Now I’m on Highway 2-7, need a natural graze road”
What Chingy meant: The angel number 27 “encourages you to listen to your intuition because it is your best guide (Internet, et al.).” Chingy is telling us to listen to our hearts and not the information being provided to us by reporters, doctors and experts alike.
What Chingy said: “To room four-nine-O I'm headed; on my way up
There's three girls on the elevator like ‘wassup?’”
What Chingy meant: Another angel number - Angel number 490 “relates to the field of work and personal development and says that the time has come for your professional grown (also got this from the internet).” While the number 3 has a ton of meaning, most notably it is a prime number and a triangle number. You know who else likes triangles? THE ILLUMINATI.
What Chingy said: “Yeah, that’s me, Ching-a-ling equipped with much ding-a-ling”
What Chingy meant: Nothing that has to do with 2020 or the end of days, just an absolute iconic line that deserves more attention and possibly a Nobel Prize.
What Chingy said: “There’s some pretty girls in here: I heard ‘em whisperin. Talkin ‘bout that’s that dude that sing ‘Right Thurr’; he glistenin.”
What Chingy meant: “Glistening” refers to vampires (Twilight vampires not Blade vampires, very important distinction) and vampires symbolize the end of days and sucking the blood out of, and eliminating, all humans.
In conclusion: Chingstradamus was right.
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